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Melissa has solid organizational skills and attentiveness to detail from her producing experiences on various award winning films. Contact for further interests and inquiries, as well as for samples of previous works and collaborations. 

"Until It's Over" 
Director: Nicholas Biazzo
Line Producer: Melissa Morales (November 2023) 

-Awarded the Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography, Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design, and the Audience Choice Award at the 42nd Annual Brooklyn College Film Festival

"Dear Little Black Boy" 
Director: Shoshanna Soleyn
Producer: Melissa Morales (April 2023) 

-Awarded the Human Piletic Rights Award and the New York
Women in Film & Television Award May 2024

Other Productions:

-"Love, Jacky-Love" 
Director: Samuel Henry
Producer: Melissa Morales (April 2024)

-"I Drive a Vehicle At 4omph on Roads"
Director: John Corr
Producer: Melissa Morales (May 2024)

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